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June 27, 2013



I made these last night for tea; my boyfriend and I thought they were lush! Really easy to make and sooo much nicer than buying ready made. Yum!

Cathy Bryant

One of my friends is using found dandelion leaves as free greens - as long as they aren't somewhere that's open to traffic fumes or that gets sprayed, they should be OK if washed well. Another recipe that we shall be trying.

Andrea - Chocolate and Beyond

@Lynne - thank you SO much for letting me know, am really glad you enjoyed!

@Cathy - I think this is a recipe to keep and reuse :) It's so simple and tasty, while being extremely budget-friendly!

Mikaela Larsen

Oh God, these are good... Used basic recipe, altered spices... Rather than Burgers, I made "Hash" ... YUM !!! :D

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  • I'm Andrea, and am obsessed with creating fabulous food. After I managed to ditch dieting, the reason Chocolate and Beyond was born, it seemed natural to evolve my site into a foodie blog. More so since I also ditched animal produce to be vegan. Now, I love showing how inventive cruelty-free cooking can be. And sometimes I like to rant, too. I wouldn't be myself otherwise :) x

    PS. This blog LOVES your comments! Especially about the food!

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