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January 23, 2013



Woo! Peanut butter, interesting..
Everyone does veggie chilli differently - I use cocoa, brown sugar, cumin and ketchup in mine - It'd be great to see a virtual veggie chilli showdown :)

Andrea - Chocolate and Beyond

Haha! A virtual chilli showdown sounds fun, PennilessVeggie! I sometimes use ketchup too - but cocoa is a very different addition! I must give your combo a go sometime. Thank you for commenting also :)

Ida H

I really don't like celery. What can I use instead?

Andrea - Chocolate and Beyond

Anything you like Ida! Whatever is in season, inexpensive and that you enjoy. Broccoli or Swiss Chard might be good!

Cicily Corbett

Nice blog, Andrea! Cocoa or chocolate, btw, is a traditional ingredient of Cincinnati chili. I always put it in my own chili. I've never used peanut butter, but intend to try it. You could make this even cheaper by using tvp or tofu instead of preflavored mince (or veggie crumbles/veggie hamburger as we would say in the U.S.)and flavoring it yourself.
Here's my recipe: http://cicilycorbett.blogspot.com/2008_10_21_archive.html

Andrea - Chocolate and Beyond

Hi Cicily, thank you for your comment! And chocolate/cocoa is actually used in Mexican cuisine - silly of me to forget! Thanks for the tip on how to make this even more budget-friendly and for including your recipe! :)

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I've never used peanut butter, but intend to try it.
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  • I'm Andrea, and am obsessed with creating fabulous food. After I managed to ditch dieting, the reason Chocolate and Beyond was born, it seemed natural to evolve my site into a foodie blog. More so since I also ditched animal produce to be vegan. Now, I love showing how inventive cruelty-free cooking can be. And sometimes I like to rant, too. I wouldn't be myself otherwise :) x

    PS. This blog LOVES your comments! Especially about the food!

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