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September 17, 2012


Caroline Turner

I really like the sound of this, using the veg stock reduces the amount of oil and the texture looks great. I've never used sumac, will have to check it out.

Andrea - Chocolate and Beyond

Did you end up making the hummous Caroline? Yes - I don't like to add too many tonnes of oil :) So using veg stock does help to keep it soft while not being so fat-heavy.


I add cumin too and its fantastic, it does take a few goes to get it right but once you do everyone raves over it!! and so easy. Im def going to try sumac too! Thanks

Andrea - Chocolate and Beyond

Thanks for the suggestion Peta - I will add some cumin next time too and see how that works out!


Mad coincidence, I had exactly the same feelings about hummus, it's one of my staple foods, but I couldn't make it as nice as the commercial stuff, and I couldn't understand why! Then I googled Sabra hummus, because that stuff is incredible, but I didn't really want to buy Israeli produce, so I thought, maybe I can find some hints as to how they make it so good. What I found out from that little google has been really valuable to me, which is that blending everything except for the chickpeas together first, makes a huge difference. I would never have thought so, but it really does.I also now add much more tahini and much less lemon than most recipes call for, because that seems to be how I like it. I imagine that without a super awesome factory blender I'll never quite achieve the smoothness of Sabra hummus, but in terms of flavour, I'm extremely happy with my hummus now. This got longer than I intended. Soz. :D

Andrea - Chocolate and Beyond

Carolyn thanks so much for your tip! I would never have thought of doing that - putting the chickpeas in last to blend. I wonder how it makes it work so well? Next time I am going to try it - I'll update here as to how it works out! I did read elsewhere to take the skins off the chickpeas but that is WAY too laborious for me! I will google sabra hummus!

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  • I'm Andrea, and am obsessed with creating fabulous food. After I managed to ditch dieting, the reason Chocolate and Beyond was born, it seemed natural to evolve my site into a foodie blog. More so since I also ditched animal produce to be vegan. Now, I love showing how inventive cruelty-free cooking can be. And sometimes I like to rant, too. I wouldn't be myself otherwise :) x

    PS. This blog LOVES your comments! Especially about the food!

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