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March 27, 2010



Absolutely brilliant post, thanks. So Funny, and so accurate.

Michelle Baker

What a fantastic post. Being just about to hit one of those "special" birthdays, I was contemplating trying it, but having read above has reinforced what I already knew to be true plus made me laugh at the same time - excellent !!

Andrea Wren

Thanks for your comment Michelle and glad you liked this post - I can't take the credit for this one of course, it's from a fellow blogger.

However, the Lighter Life debate (if you want to look over the previous posts I'd written) was certainly a lengthy one and cause a lot of upset from people who were committed to it.

I'm glad you decided against it. I know of one woman (friend of a friend) who is now on her FOURTH attempt at Lighter Life - how's that for a non-success story? But it's sad that she hasn't yet realised the problem is in the diet, not her, and she keeps throwing more money at it.

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  • I'm Andrea, and am obsessed with creating fabulous food. After I managed to ditch dieting, the reason Chocolate and Beyond was born, it seemed natural to evolve my site into a foodie blog. More so since I also ditched animal produce to be vegan. Now, I love showing how inventive cruelty-free cooking can be. And sometimes I like to rant, too. I wouldn't be myself otherwise :) x

    PS. This blog LOVES your comments! Especially about the food!

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