Licorice - do you like it? I'm not certain, and it does have a reputation as a snack that is loved or loathed, but its fans include kids, mums, and even pandas and rabbits – so Panda licorice (love the website) decided to name a day especially in its honour.
Tomorrow, the 16 April 2009, will be the first ever Love Licorice Day when everyone across the UK is to be encouraged to try licorice again. Many people associate it with heavy, sticky sweets but apparently Panda would like everyone to try it again and see what they think –
I suppose it's considered a bit like Marmite as to whether it floats your boat or not, but apart from tasting great (to those who enjoy), licorice is also well known (believe it or not) to help reduce the pains associated with menstruation. Other health benefits are reputed to include being a relaxant and helping long term stress and anxiety and aiding digestion.
Licorice lovers can visit for more information and become a fan on Facebook by searching for The Land of Licorice.
it's great, i am glad to know about these launches.
Posted by: Facebook Applications | December 16, 2009 at 07:54 AM
We are interested to increase traffic to your website, please get back to us in order to discuss the possibility in further detail.
Posted by: Felicia Sams | January 28, 2010 at 11:49 AM
Yes. Its quite intresting to know that. I was really want to know this
Posted by: Facebook Developer | February 23, 2010 at 12:31 PM
Liquorice might be great for digestion and as a relaxant, but lets take it one step further... Chocolate covered liquorice from "Chocolate and Love", my ultimate weakness!!!
Posted by: Clare | May 15, 2010 at 10:44 PM