I thought readers of Chocolate & Beyond might be interested in my latest feature for Spirit & Destiny magazine, which appears in the September issue as 'The Diet from Beyond' - but please let me emphasise, the title wasn't mine! (Unfortunately I had no control over that bit!).
To write this feature, I attended a Weigh Forward workshop in London, run and developed by Sky TV psychic Jules Williams. Jules is very 'anti-diet' (therefore neither would be interested in such a title as was given to the feature!) and has been working with women with weight issues for around 15 years.
The Weigh Forward is all about the subconscious reasons as to why we put on weight, and the 'blocks' which make it stay, regardless of what we do to try and rid ourselves of it. Jules believes that it doesn't matter how much you diet, exercise, have therapy, and so on - if you don't resolve what is going on deep in the subconscious, there will always be a reason that you 'need' to 'protect' yourself with weight.
You have to be open-minded to attend the workshop, as Jules often turns to spiritual guidance to help participants uncover their blocks and work out what is going on, but when I attended, I found it a refreshing change and just something different that could be used in someone's tool box to helping with weight problems - that is an alternative to dieting.
If you want any details of the next workshop, you can email Jules Williams for more information on dates and prices.