It's a Friday evening and I could be out there having a life, but instead I'm at home, at my PC and working. Not to worry - my evening has been a delight, as I've just shared a PUDZ Heavenly Chocolate Pudding with my son (begrudgingly, I'll admit, but there was plenty of it so I don't mind really). And my my, what an utter spiral into decadent pleasure the eating part of that little experience was!
I'd already eaten the PUDZ with my eyes as it tipped out of its box and into the dish - the underside of it looks a bit boring (as the underside of anything does, really), but as soon as the gooey chocolate sauce all started spilling out and flowing over the pudding like hot chocolate lava, I knew I was going to enjoy myself.
And so I did. The proof of the pudding is in the eating, so they say, and I can 100% vouch for this little number as one hell of a proven pudding! Lovely, comforting (I know we shouldn't see food as a comfort but damn, sometimes it just is!) homely style chocolate pud, with lots of gorgeous sauce dripping over it, this particular PUDZ was a big favourite for me (I've tasted a few).
And the Belgian choccie chunks that are on the top and all kind of just melted in are equally as delectable in fact, they make you go weak at the knees! I have to say, the picture on the box looks nowhere near as delicious as the inside actually tastes (and the picture does look yummy!), so be prepared to be in for a real treat if you buy one.
Courtesy of my colleague who I mentioned was organising the PUDZ competition, I have tried a few of the others as well (I bet your heart bleeds for me?). I really loved the PUDZ Simply Delectable Bread and Butter Pudding too - as I'm really fond of traditional home-favourites (hence by penchant for egg custards if anyone remembers as far back as when I began this site?!).
At the moment, the PUDZ are all on a trial offer of only £1 each so it's worth getting them in stock now if you fancy trying them!
Read about: Heavenly Chocolate Pudding
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