I've been in New York for a week (hence the long absence from writing!) but it was a rather wonderful visit, not least because I got to meet up with 'Juicy Woman' Andrea Amador. We have been planning to do some work together, so although I was in the Big Apple on holiday with my teenage son, I thought it would be a wonderful opportunity to see if Andrea could get together with me to 'talk shop'.
We had breakfast at a little cafe in Greenwich Village, and I was totally inspired learning more about Andrea's own journey and battles with her relationship with food.
If you read this site, you'll know that Andrea Amador is a fellow intuitive eater and her work is focused on helping women overcome their own eating issues by coaching them to use the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), amongst other methods. Andrea writes a blog on issues connected with giving up dieting and EFT, and hosts a forum on her website to provide a support network for women.
In our meeting, we both talked about how our journeys have developed and the struggles we have had to stay sane in the face of weight gain (not an inevitable part of readjusting to normal eating, but one that can occur, and that can be very, very scary if it does). Andrea told me that the weight gain she had, once she stopped controlling food to the extent she had been doing, literally put her in her client's shoes. And from what I can see, this it is what amounts to the true strength behind her work.
Andrea has devoted her work completely to this complex issue and to trying to help undo the damage caused by dieting. I was amazed by Andrea's story; it takes a very juicy woman indeed to recognise there is an opportunity to be had from putting on 30lbs in weight after starting the intuitive eating path.
Not meaning to sound nasty but I am so glad to hear that others put on weight when they ditched the diet. Ive gained 2 stone and a new wardrobe. All the old clothes have gone. And if I do ever lose weight I'll buy some that do fit. In the meantime I'm loving being good to my body and finally treating it with respect!! xx
Posted by: Sarah | April 11, 2008 at 03:15 PM