Till we eat again: confessions of a diet drop-out by Judy Gruen is a book review that I should have included here LONG ago. Judy was kind enough to send me a copy of her book maybe a year or so ago, and I've been sitting on it for such a while (well, not literally, else my behind would be quite sore) after reading it. Sometimes, I just don't know what I do with my organisational abilities!
However, it is a book that is most definitely worth reviewing, since it made me laugh out hysterically loud on a number of occasions throughout reading. Judy, through biting wit and spot-on self-awareness, depicts her route to losing 15 pounds after she gets invited to a college reunion, and cannot bear the idea of attending carrying the extra rolls.
"Well, it's been four whole days and I don't seem to have much to show for my new conviction to lose weight. In fact, I have managed to lose only one ounce, which may be accounted for by a new haircut," she says on the December 14th entry in the book. Sound familiar? I think so.
Judy makes her up and down journey of weight loss misery and deprivation as hilarious as it could possibly be, especially when she signs up with the 'Major' for Boot Camp, to pound her pounds away through tough-love exercise. "The Major says that each day we should drink half our body weight in water. I was alarmed until I realised he meant ounces."
If you're in need of some startlingly funny observations and a good laugh at some of the absurd things people do to shed weight, then make sure you read Judy's book.
Till we eat again: confessions of a diet drop-out by Judy Gruen is available from Amazon and also directly from Judy's website store.
HI Andrea,
Thanks for the wonderful review of Till We Eat Again! I appreciate it and am looking forward to having other women discover the fun of reading it.
Best wishes,
Posted by: Judy Gruen | February 03, 2008 at 06:59 PM
Glad you like it Judy and many apologies for it taking so long! I really enjoyed the book, it was one of the best laughs I'd had in ages!
Posted by: Andrea Wren | February 04, 2008 at 09:36 AM