Though the frustration that comes from dieting and its failure to be the solution to long-term weight-loss increases, references and resources on the web linked to intuitive eating are still not that great. But, those resources that do exist are valuable (though it is actually we bloggers that seem to dominate in the Google searches!).
Here is my list of those that seem particularly useful:
Diet Survivors Meditations: Fabulous blog site from Linda Moran, author of How to Survive Your Diet, where Linda provides daily meditations to keep you motivated or mindful on your quest to be an intuitive eater.
Intuitive Eating: This is the site of the authors of Intuitive Eating: A Revolutionary Program That Works, a comprehensive site which includes a list of their principles as well as research on the subject.
Beyond Chocolate: Of course! Although to access the forum you need to have attended a workshop or have done the Multi-Media Course.
Normal Eating for Weight Loss: A site full of information and articles, with a forum that has free access and some good tools and ideas.
The Juicy Woman: The fabulous title of Andrea Amador's site is inspiring enough to live life the 'juicy way', instead of being caught up in dieting! Andrea coaches women in overcoming food obession and has a free forum on her site to access support.
Never Hungry Always Hungry: The support forum of a fellow intuitve eater, Nicola, which again is free to access and does not favour any particular intuitive eating technique.
Aww thanks for your comment on my blog. I'll add you to my blogroll :O)
I have a forum too btw - free access, no particular IE method favoured -
Posted by: Nicola | January 30, 2008 at 10:43 PM
Hi Andrea,
I remember we both met on Linda's Diet Survivor's site. As you may already know, like you, I have also gone full steam ahead and embraced Intuitive Eating.
It's been nearly 18 months so far and my whole life has changed for the better.
The biggest Aha that I had personally was that I wasn't gaining any headway as long as I simply relied on Intuitive Eating to guide me.
I knew that as a coach, I had a whole bag of tools at my disposal that had all been proven to work to eliminate cravings and to make me forget about food, but I wanted to learn to trust myself around real food and know in my heart that I never had to fear food again.
So despite knowing that I had many wonderful techniques that could help me, I went out on a limb and decided to just stop dieting and try to follow the guidelines of Intuitive Eating.
I noticed the behavioral changes right away in that I was becoming discriminating which was absolutely shocking to me because I always thought of myself as a human garbage can, ready and willing to eat almost anything consumable. I noticed that with just Intuitive Eating, I was changing and also not changing at the same time.
I just couldn't seem to break out of the rut of constantly reaching for food or eating way past the point of being stuffed at each meal.
That's when I realized that I needed more. I saw that it was a habit of mine to constantly reach for food when I was under stress, feeling pressured or overwhelmed in my life. I did it so often without even thinking about it. I ate in front of the television, standing up, tasting while I was cooking, anytime, anywhere. That was me. I couldn't seem to stop eating, especially when I was feeling the squeeze of pressure in my life.
So I decided to combine Intuitive Eating with one of the energy processes that I teach called, Emotional Freedom Technique.
That worked like magic for me. Then I offered to teach what I knew to other women and put it into a pilot program called Losing Weight without Dieting.
I did 4 run throughs of that teleclass series and kept on improving it each time, learning more and more about how our thoughts influence our bodies. I was fascinated by the connection and kept on reading more about the importance of reinventing a negative self image in order to create lasting change.
For the past 6 months, I've been putting into a book all that I've learned, but for now, I have a fabulous Yahoo forum that I recently opened. The Juicy Woman Forum gives women a place to come when Intuitive Eating is not enough. It focuses on sharing discussions based on teaching stress relief tools that make the road to Intuitive Eating much easier.
Yes. Granted, I may be selling myself a bit. But it is only because I know that what I have learned is working and I don't want to keep it bottled up. I have so many goodies available for women in various price points, from free to monetized. I just want to reach out and offer my support to other women and share the resources that I have learned that have changed my life. I want to help other women to get out of the pain and into the joy.
Basically I want to shout out to the world that you've got to deal with your stress and learn to treat yourself gently and lovingly as you rediscover how to relate to food. That is the only way to achieve lasting change and to become free from the deprivation of dieting.
I’ve found that by actually handling my stress on a consistent and preventative basis, that was the only way that I discovered my satisfaction switch and began to change the way that I felt about food and eating. Now I’m really noticing that this stuff works and I’m on fire and want to share everything that I’ve learned about how to make it work.
I am slowly going through the process of noticing my body and my life shedding excess weight and releasing the old ties to the past. As much as I love Intuitive Eating, I know that for people like me who lack a natural inborn tendency to self comfort, nurture themselves or treat themselves lovingly and gently, they must handle their stress aggressively in combination with attempting Intuitive Eating.
As I mentioned, over the past 18 months, I’ve put together a lot of information and had some very insightful experiences along the way, I consider myself a fair resource for anyone beginning the process of Intuitive Eating.
As a coach, my focus is in empowering women who are emotional eaters and teaching them how to overcome food and weight obsession and live free of dieting. I humbly submit for your consideration, my website at I would be honored to have you consider me a resource to support Intuitive Eating. I want so much to be a part of the solution. I am deeply devoted to helping women to make the journey more juicy.
I know that we’re on two opposite ends of the ocean, but please let me know if there is anything that I can do for you.
Thank You,
Posted by: Andrea Amador | January 30, 2008 at 11:02 PM
Andrea so nice to hear from you and sorry to have forgotten you! Considered The Juicy Woman to be added right away! You have a wealth of wonderful and rich advice to offer.
Posted by: Andrea Wren | January 31, 2008 at 10:40 AM
Hi Andrea,
Thank you so much for adding me as a resource for your readers.
I'll add your site to my blog roll ASAP.
I took a peek and it is wonderful!
Posted by: Andrea Amador | February 04, 2008 at 08:38 PM