So, after all the hooha regarding the low-carbohydrate, high-protein diet, scientists now appear to favour it as the most effective way to lose weight. Whether intuitive eaters do is another matter, but according to Aberdeen’s Rowett Research Institute, this way of eating is "most effective at reducing hunger and promoting weight loss, at least in the short term."
At least they make the point of 'in the short-term'. The study has just been published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition and, whilst I totally agree that it is definitely the most effective diet for weight loss (having done Atkins and obviously having followed a general anti-candida diet which is low in simple carbohydrates), it is the kind of diet that really has to be kept up to 'keep up the good work'. If slip back to eating carbs, then the weight just piles back on.
About 5 years ago, after I'd spent some time doing Atkins and then eating generally in a low-carb way, I was mortified to discover how quickly my weight shot up when I no longer followed the rules. And rules are the bugbear of all intuitive eaters.
Even when your health suffers if you eat certain ways (such as me eating too many high-carbohydrate and sugary foods lately, bringing on a full onslaught of sinusitis which I can only relate to candida), it is difficult to stick to the plan.
As we know, it's the long-term way of eating that matters. Short-term weight loss is easy - but keeping it off and feeling happy with how you eat is the hard bit. The only way we can manage this is to improve our relationship with food, how we think about it and how we react around it. Dieting cannot help us reach that goal.
Good to see you back!
Kerry xx
Posted by: Kerry | January 20, 2008 at 10:21 PM
Thanks Kerry!
Posted by: Andrea Wren | January 29, 2008 at 10:03 AM