I had some left-over home-made fish pie for breakfast this morning (oh yum, I hear you say!). I'd made it all myself last night, with halibut, salmon and prawns.
I have to add, the fish I got cheap because it was Asda 'Whoops' (reduced because it was at its sell-by date, though I'm not quite sure of why they call it 'Whoops': Whoops, we made a huge mistake in our stock ordering? Whoops, if you don't eat this now it's going to be rancid in the morning? Whoops, we're losing money here?).
Anyhow, along with some fried leeks, a bit of red pepper and some mashed new potatoes, then a thick layer of cheese on top as the 'pie crust', I cooked up a delicious and nutritious homely meal for my son and I (though he wasn't as enthralled; "It's too colourful" he said) and didn't I feel smug?
It's not that I don't cook, as I can't bear too many processed foods, but I tend to cook the same, tired out things over and over again. It isn't often I bother to put anything different together, and though I have a stack of cookery books, I have little patience for recipes (it seems to take so much time just to bloody check you have all the right ingredients).
So, my meals are concoctions that I've perfected over the years, that rarely taste the same as I tend to fling whatever in, and that may well be compared to 'one-pot' student fare. Though, I have got into the habit of just chucking a few vegetables and salad on the plate, and having something beside it like a piece of tuna steak or chicken. Not very inventive.
But I've made a decision to be a little more creative. God damn it, I even bought a squash! Now, I'm not quite sure what to do with it but I'll work something out. Delia, beware!
Nice and informative
Posted by: sylvia | June 29, 2017 at 10:12 AM