Three weeks into the new year and I'm saying happy 2008 to you all.
I have been very tardy at keeping Chocolate and Beyond updated, I'm ashamed to admit. But, with my internet being down for two weeks over the festive period, and a holiday to Fuerteventura thrown in for the first week of 2008, I've not had that much access to the web.
Anyhow, here I am and back. Feeling rather heavy at the moment (Christmas grub and plentiful holiday fare) but surprisingly not that down about it. What I've learned over the last year and more is that once I get 'back to normal', my weight naturally adjusts. It's just hard to bear that in mind while my jeans are feeling tight
At the moment, as well, I kind of feel my ability to know hunger and satiety is out of kilter, as if holiday over-eating has sent it astray. And having just finished off the last of the Bailey's (well, this year we didn't do too bad at all, one litre bought 2 weeks before Christmas has just been finished 3 weeks after new year!), I know in my heart that it is truly time to start being mindful again.
In fact, I'm even considering doing my strict 'candida die off' plan for a few days, as I feel so out of sorts with health, sinus pain and general niggly things, that I think I may have allowed the yawnsome yeast to take a comfy position back in my body. Ho hum.
You know it wont be long before you're feeling your gorgeous self again. Nice to have you back. xx
Posted by: Sarah | January 20, 2008 at 10:52 PM