I was having lunch today with a new friend of mine - you know who you are ;) - and found out she has been following my site for around 6 months, yet when we first me only a few weeks ago, she didn't know it was me who wrote Chocolate and Beyond, nor did I know she was reading it! Isn't fate a funny thing?
She has found Chocolate and Beyond as an aid in improving her own relationship with food. Of course, that is similar to many of the women (and maybe some men) who occasionally dip in here. But what really struck me from this moment of serendipity we shared was the realisation of how far-reaching my words on this site can be.
The simple act of me occasionally 'penning' (okay, we all know I mean typing!) and posting an entry on Chocolate and Beyond has an impact on others. It is such a a small thing to do, and mostly I'm completely unaware of the fact that other people actually relate to it, but today I was reminded of how important it is to share this journey.
It is probably the first real moment I've ever had of seeing how much allowing other people to read my story can actually make a difference to their own lives. How fantastic is that? If my ramblings about ditching the diet can even help one person, well, there's an excuse for me to carry on rambling, if I ever heard one.
2 words...Thank you!!!
Posted by: Sarah Andrews | November 01, 2007 at 09:57 PM