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September 14, 2007



Well, I prefer option 2, but since it's pretty much what I'm trying to do and I either weigh the same as before or a pound or two more, it's not working, either.

While a full diet isn't for me, I need to find a way to cut my calorie consumption that I'll stick with. I do fine during the day, most days, but I nosh too much at night. And as my body slows down in middle-age, the old way of losing weight isn't working for me.


Definately option 2 - I may not have said that a year ago but I can't believe how much me relationship towards food has changed! I don't obsess about when I can next eat anymore - Yes I still worry about my weight but now exercise and eat what I really want - sometimes it is healthier and sometimes it is very indulgent but without the guilt.

I have been there - dieting and remaining the same weight and feeling desparate because I don't know where I am going wrong and it's not a great place to be!


Hi, I just discovered your fabulous blog today while randomly surfing for people like me who are trying to break out of the diet mentality.

I'd definitely pick option 2, even if there is no change in weight. Diets cause stress and stress is unhealthy, period.


Hi, I brought Beyond Chocolate a month ago partly thinking it would be another diet book that I would get all enthusiastic about, try it for a week and then fail miserably, again, but I haven't and I can't quite believe it! I put on a couple of pounds to begin with but decided not to worry about it. I now weigh myself once a week instead of every day and last week I'd lost 2lbs without depriving myself in any way. I don't stuff my face with chocolate as soon as I get home from work, which means I'm genuinely hungry when I have my supper (a first for me!) and, even more amazingly, I have to stop eating when I feel full up because I physically can't eat any more (another first!) I wouldn't like to say I'm "cured" but I feel extremely positive about this. I expect I'll have moments where I have to have chocolate, but I know it'll be okay.

Andrea Wren

Great to read your comments on this!

Shelly - I wonder if you might consider just being on a 'weight loss holiday' for now, and work through your relationship with food first of all?

Jomay - I agree! the idea of 'giving up' diets a year ago would have scared the hell out of me, but now I wonder what i was so scared of!!

Freyjah - so glad you discovered this blog and I hope you keep checking in - good luck on your journey!!!

Trace - there are always moments when you HAVE to have chocolate, why wouldn't there be? It's delicious! But the difference is you'll know you can have it whenever you want it, you won't feel guilty about it when you do, and you'll not beat yourself up after eating it. And guess what? You'll enjoy it without feeling like it's going to take over!

Bliss Chick

Number 2 of course! I'm still struggling to get there, but it is the best way to be in my opinion.

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  • I'm Andrea, and am obsessed with creating fabulous food. After I managed to ditch dieting, the reason Chocolate and Beyond was born, it seemed natural to evolve my site into a foodie blog. More so since I also ditched animal produce to be vegan. Now, I love showing how inventive cruelty-free cooking can be. And sometimes I like to rant, too. I wouldn't be myself otherwise :) x

    PS. This blog LOVES your comments! Especially about the food!

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