I've just spent the weekend at V Festival and as a girl who's really not a happy camper (especially when all the other tent bods are drinking until all hours and you can hear every nonsensical word!), I'm pretty proud that I've come through unscathed and managed to have a good time.
The music was great, but for the whole weekend, I ate (mostly) crap! And do you know, I really enjoyed giving myself the permission to do this? For my supper on Sunday night I ate doughnuts, and for my breakfast that morning I'd eaten a King Curry Pot Noodle! As well as a Snickers Bar.
With festivals, I tend to either forget to eat or it just seems too much trouble making my way through the crowds and queuing up, so I ignore my body signalling 'feed me!' But when you do bother to get to a food stall, you have to make choices from what's available and most of it is fast food and not very nutritionally dense!
Normally, I eat very little fast food and snack food - I just don't fancy it. And chocolate tends to satisfy me very quickly so I don't eat much. But over the weekend, probably because it was so wet and I needed comfort food as well, I found that it was quite easy for me to get through the white carbs and cheap choc that I usually don't bother with!
My body is not going to collapse into a heap from one weekend of junk food eating, and by the time I'd got home I was really in need of a lovely nutritious meal so it does know what it really wants, but it is reassuring to see how far I've come in that I'm not currently in state of panic over the consumption of all that crap!