Oh. My. God.
It is approximately 3 and a half hours after I finished with David (or should I say, after he finished with me?) and I can barely sit on the loo, never mind get up and down my stairs. In fact, my legs nearly buckled as I went to my car after leaving the Cenacle Treatment Centre, where David is based.
I spent an hour working out to a point that I would never have pushed myself to had I been doing it alone - because the few times I've tried any muscle training, as soon as it gets past comfortable, I'm ready to 'go easy', (or to be honest, just stop). Of course, with David counting every repetition I did, unless I was honestly considering a 999 call, there was no wimping out.
My plan of action with David was to work my arms (I can barely type on my keyboard now they ache that much!), my tum, and my bum - as well as some general all-round muscle training. All of which I got to work on after a warm up on the treadmill.
Admittedly, I feel great that I did it, although some of the work with the 'medicine ball' that we were doing (it certainly wasn't medicating me) was tough. Especially when it came to lifting it in repetitions over my head. "How many times?!" I asked in disbelief. Ouch.
Still, I do believe that healthy minds and bodies work together, and the more you can improve them both, the more you can get out of life overall. So I'm hoping this work with David will now be my trigger to spark off the fitness stuff for me, as the idea of toning up appeals, particularly as I'm approaching middle-age (shh, don't tell anyone).
My next session is on Thursday. Will I survive? Watch this space.
once you get going it will seem easier.
David pushes you but not more than you are capable of doing.
I can do 2 sessions together without feeling really tired; when I started I could not.
You will get addicted to training.
Posted by: Rob Artisan | June 04, 2007 at 07:02 PM
Hi Rob - no pain, no gain, eh? I have to say, I am appreciative of the fact I ache all over (more so this morning!) because I know I've worked my muscle groups properly.
How long have you been training now?
Posted by: Andrea Wren | June 05, 2007 at 08:21 AM
only a matter of weeks.
I can now bowl again and can run in for cricket.
I never thought it but I am a little disappointed if I haven't been to one of his classes for a while.
Do not tell David that.
Posted by: Rob Artisan | June 05, 2007 at 04:48 PM
Wow - sounds like a punishing routine! It will get easier - well done for going for it! Like you, i quite enjoy my muscles aching a little as it feels like I have had a really good workout!
Posted by: Jomay | June 05, 2007 at 06:40 PM