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June 06, 2007


Rob Artisan


the first cricket match I played since I was a junior required me to have a runner when I batted as I strained my hamstring and did in my knees while fielding.

I can now run and that is down to David.

He will not push you further than is safe.

But if you feel brittle or uncomfortable you must tell him and he will modify the training.

Do not take it because he was an ex-soldier and you want to impress or it is a sign of character to put up with training that is too much.

He will push you but only within your range.

It will if you persist become like a drug and you will want to train and you will not get tired easily or suffer any aches

Go at the pace that is right and see how you blood pressure and heart rate improve and hopefully you will be trimmer, I lost 7 pounds in a few weeks


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