Now, I don't just ache, or have slightly sore muscles, but I have actually been physically incapacitated from my personal fitness session on Monday! My legs have barely been able to take me up and down stairs because the front of my thighs hurt that much. Seriously. I had all the grace of a hippo being seated at the opera trying to get into my car.
While it's a good sign that I've worked out, I kind of think maybe a bit too much? Or am I just incredibly unfit? I had to have my son fetch and carry for me last night because it was (and still is!) just so hard for me to get about - and the dog had to have a shorter walk on a flat and less arduous route with with no hills, since I'm kind of shuffling like an old lady.
I have pushed my next session with David forward a day from Thursday to Friday, since I had to jiggle my diary about a bit. However, now I'm wondering if I might have to rearrange Friday as well, since I may still not be in a fit state (how ironic) for my fitness session.
While my arms seem to have handled the 'medicine ball' experience okay, we need to go a bit more gently with those lunges next time, that's for sure. My poor thighs really didn't know what was happening and just happily carried on, only to be severely suffering now.
the first cricket match I played since I was a junior required me to have a runner when I batted as I strained my hamstring and did in my knees while fielding.
I can now run and that is down to David.
He will not push you further than is safe.
But if you feel brittle or uncomfortable you must tell him and he will modify the training.
Do not take it because he was an ex-soldier and you want to impress or it is a sign of character to put up with training that is too much.
He will push you but only within your range.
It will if you persist become like a drug and you will want to train and you will not get tired easily or suffer any aches
Go at the pace that is right and see how you blood pressure and heart rate improve and hopefully you will be trimmer, I lost 7 pounds in a few weeks
Posted by: Rob Artisan | June 06, 2007 at 11:31 PM