It's true, I do ONLY ever buy butter! It just occurred to me when I did my shopping today that I now automatically reach straight for pure butter, without ever weighing up the differences between the various low-fat spreads in terms of calories and fat content. This has been going on more or less since I began my intuitive eating quest and gave up dieting almost 10 months ago (wow wee, that long?).
I do not purchase any olive spreads, any low-fat margarines, and definitely no yukky tubs of hydrogenated oils barely disguised as something edible. And amazingly, there has been very little difference in my weight then, compared to now, from what I can gather - I'm still wearing all the same size 10-12 clothes, put it that way.
Butter used to be a fear food - it was only allowed in the fridge at Christmas and Easter, and on any other very special occasions. Now it is there all the time, and I don't even think about it (until writing this, of course!).
Once you become accustomed to the fact that you really can eat some of the things you used to avoid without turning into a heifer, you do stop thinking about them in the same way and your lifestyle is freed up so much. Your available energy for other things is also freed up - because you don't plan out your meals constantly! It is truly wonderful.
If you're only just beginning an intuitive eating path, bear with it, because the pay-off is worth it.
Butter lovers unite! i still buy margarine (there is a trans fat free brand that I really like), but I too have been buying real butter since IE for cooking. Now that I'm interested in the pleasure of food, using butter is not a big deal. I used to get Anxious watching my husband use butter when he did the cooking, but no more!
Posted by: Bliss Chick | June 28, 2007 at 02:05 AM
Bliss Chick, I remember that anxiety feeling watching others cooking and wondering how you're going to cope eating the food that they've used butter or oil in! My goodness, it feels like such a long time ago since I had concern over that - what a relief!
Posted by: Andrea Wren | July 04, 2007 at 09:10 AM