Since meeting David yesterday I have started thinking about fitness again. I went for a swim this morning. Considering that the schools are off and I work for myself, getting up at 7am to make the 'early bird session' at my local pool (which is so packed lane rage is a frequent occurrence, and it is the least busy session of the day) was quite an achievement.
My decision was also partly influenced by reading Jomay's post on consistency, where she says that "Perhaps considering how you can incorporate some extra activity each day without worrying about what you will do tomorrow or next week" could be a way of achieving an overall goal of getting in shape.
I think part of my problem around ever managing to really get in shape is connected with this. I say to myself "right, this week I'm going to swimming twice and go for a run as well" and then if I don't, I feel like a failure (familiar territory hey, diet-dumpers?).
So this morning I just planned to have a swim, and I haven't set any goals about whether I will do next week, I just knew I wanted to get in some extra activity on this glorious summer day. And maybe I want to limber up a bit before my first session with David and The Fitness Works on Monday? If he's inspired me to go swimming today, then something has already got through somewhere!
That's really great to hear Andrea! I do also take my own advice and have been exercising myself consistently over the past week or so with my focus being on what I can do today to make me feel healthier or to increase my energy.
When I first started intuitive eating, I gave up my exercise routine along with ditching the diet. I think I needed to do this at the time to really get my head around a new relationship with food. Once the urge to eat more healthily returned naturally, the urge to exercise did as well but this time from a very different angle.
Exercise makes me feel strong, in control and gives me heaps of energy for the rest of the day! It is great to be doing exercise for these reasons instead of my past desperate attempts to burn fat or earn myself a few more calories!
When the focus is on how exercise makes me feel so good rather than calories burned, life is so much better!
Posted by: Jomay | June 02, 2007 at 04:37 PM
Oh I can so relate to this!
Dieting thinking around exercise. I too find myself thinking that I must go on my exercise bike every day, and not only must it be every day but it musn't be less than 10k each time I go on.
I think it's time to turn around how I view exercise.
I do feel so much better when I've had some exercise so I shall start to focus on how I FEEL rather than making exercise feel like a prescription that I need to take in order to make me thinner!!
Thank you for your wise words!!
Posted by: Karen | June 02, 2007 at 05:54 PM
the amazing thing is that you actually feel better and do not get tired if you exercise regularly.
I had the same phobia as you about training
Posted by: Rob Artisan | June 04, 2007 at 04:58 PM
Thanks for your comments!
I'm going to write a post about my session with David today to update - suffice to know I'm feeling VERY sore at the minute!
Posted by: Andrea Wren | June 04, 2007 at 06:19 PM