I had my penultimate session with David Brownley today - no boxing on this occasion and less time on the treadmill, but yet another good workout pour moi. The session included some weight-training in the bench and abdominals- I was feeling the ache in both afterwards, but not to the extent of my first session! It was probably 'just right'.
David told me about quite an amazing piece of research where there were two groups of subjects, one group was instructed to lay in bed and not think about exercise at all, whereas another group was told to think about exercising all the time. The group who were thinking about exercise had 18-20% more improved fitness than the control group!
I shouldn't be so surprised at this really, as I have complete conviction in the idea that if we can master our minds we can master just about anything. If you think about exercising and firming up your muscles, visualising it happening, apparently the brain creates electrical impulses that are sent to the muscles similar to those that would occur with the exercise, so David was telling me that to actually do this while you are exercising can intensify the results. Quite fascinating, huh?
Last session next Wednesday - I'd like to carry on really but can't afford to at the moment. I'm definitely considering enlisting David's services for personal training when I have got a bit of extra disposable income though.
David is in today's Manchester Evening News; you have been training with a media star
Posted by: Rob Artisan | July 05, 2007 at 02:30 PM
Theres a rumour that your starting the tone circuit tonight?
see you there,
Posted by: Lewis | July 06, 2007 at 04:17 PM