If you ever need to find a gym-phobic then I'm the person to speak to. Most people sweat when they come out of the gym, I sweat at the consideration of going in. So I stay away.
Today, though, I had a visit from David Brownley of The Fitness Works for a health assessment. David is to become my personal trainer for the next couple of weeks while I do a personal fitness trial with him for five sessions.
Having met him today, I have to say I have absolute faith in his knowledge of training and fitness, but I don't trust his scales (they were WRONG, I tell thee!). I was stunned when I stepped on them, but I do have some water retention at the moment (possibly not 8lbs worth).
My blood pressure was okay though, and we discussed the ins and outs of my health, and my dodgy knee from a car accident a number of years ago. In terms of what I want to achieve, I'm looking at toning up my tummy and arms - as well as just generally improving my stamina - and we can work around my creaking joints.
So, I'm now booked in for my first personally trained session ever next Monday (I've only ever done classes before) and who knows? I may even treat you to a photograph of me sweating it out. And if it all goes well (as in, my brain doesn't kick into exercise rebellion mode) then I may even sign up afterwards!