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January 10, 2007


lisa jane

I think one of the key important things in overcoming overeating and dieting AND weightloss is self-care.Taking the time to love yourself in your actions rather than just saying it half heartedley in your head.Its not about just saying "yeah i love me" its about living it,in everything you do.Once you start living it it automatically carries over to your eating and food habits.

For you it sounds like its exercise and meditation,healthy breakfasts and the occasional chocolate indulgence.

For me it is blowdrying my hair and using fake tan,remembering to cleanse and moisturise and take long walks alone on the beach.

Andrea Wren

Well, I have to admit, exercise and meditation are on the 'would like to do more' list - these are the things I'm hoping to use to increase my own standards of self-care.

I'm very much a fake tanner, though! And I love make-up - rarely leave the house without it (except when I'm sick or I go running!).

Yes, I do love my smoothies, had a change this morning though - breakfast was soft scrambled eggs with melted Brie!

lisa jane

I love scrambled eggs with brie,or an omelette with brie chunks.I am so in love with cheese right now.This weeks pick was swiss and haloumi ;)yum.


Well that is spooky. Here's me just in, having been to the 'early bird' swim session at our local pool and resolving to read your blog every day to help keep me motivated as the pounds fall away! It's the third time I've been this week, and I do feel much better for it.

Five pound came off last week by the way - how good is that? It was the first week of course and I have started 'all guns blazing' before. What's different this time is I just want to be kinder to myself as I lose weight and not think I have 'failed' if it doesn't come off at a certain rate. I would like to lose weight every week and will do my best but I have a lifetime of bad habits to overcome, so we'll see.

I have made some good positive changes and hope to stick with them.

Thanks for a great blog!



Sorry Andrea, I should add that I am actually "obese" so while I refuse to say I am on a diet - I do need to lose a lot of weight.

I've made some very healthy "switches" and am being mindful of fat and sugar content, as well as following (in my head not at a weigh-in) the WW points system...and I have joined the gym at the leisure centre too. I love exercise, so it's not too much all at once.

So why do the programmes with that McKeith woman on make me cry? :)

Andrea Wren

Linda, I've just come back from my second swim this week! I can only do Wed & Fri mornings at my pool but with my daily dog-walking, I reckon that will be ok for me.

I think being kind to yourself without judgment is the key, isn't it? (It's something I'm working on!). And changing old habits for new ones takes lots of time. You might also get some inspiration from The Amazing Adventures of Diet Girl - she's gone from a size 28 and is currently a 14, and hasn't followed any 'official' diet!


Thanks Andrea - that looks excellent, I'll definitely be back and have a better look at that blog later. Linda x

Julius Seizer

I decided to get my life together by writing a blog devoted to self improvement. It's coming along nicely - but all comments are most welcome. If you have a moment to take a look then please do!

Best wishes,


Andrea Wren

Hi Julius, good luck with your self-improvement! I will take some time to read your blog soon.

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  • I'm Andrea, and am obsessed with creating fabulous food. After I managed to ditch dieting, the reason Chocolate and Beyond was born, it seemed natural to evolve my site into a foodie blog. More so since I also ditched animal produce to be vegan. Now, I love showing how inventive cruelty-free cooking can be. And sometimes I like to rant, too. I wouldn't be myself otherwise :) x

    PS. This blog LOVES your comments! Especially about the food!

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