There has been a gap in my postings, because I've been away. I've just had a wonderful press trip to Club Med La Plagne 2100, in the French Alps (the picture is the view from my bedroom window!), and there has been more delicious runny cheese available than I had deemed imaginable.
Much to my delight, I haven't returned from my trip feeling all cheesed out (or cheesed off that I couldn't fit into a single item of clothing, for that matter). Yet before I went away (strangely) I was having a down patch.
The morning I set off on my trip my belt had moved up a notch and I was feeling despondent - I'm just going to get fatter and fatter, I inwardly cried. Knowing I had two days with an abundance of delicious food to face wasn't a comfort, it was a torment.
However, making a concerted effort to be mindful of my eating and turned the foodie part of the trip around. Wanting to try so many things, and allowing myself them, I took small portions from the buffet (oh my lord - there was everything from oysters to truffle ravioli on the gala dinner night!) and rarely did I clean my plate.
I tried almost everything I wanted, sometimes just a taste, but I didn't stuff myself, and I didn't spend the time with my stomach aching and guilt coursing through my bones, as so often used to be the case.
And when I got back and put on my jeans on Monday morning, I couldn't believe that somehow, my belt had gone back to its third notch! But mindful does require you to be that - mindful. I think that after years of stuffing food in while at my desk or whatever, it's easy to get past the point of no longer requiring the food before you realise, and easy to fall back into that habit - which will help me put on weight.
So I'm feeling back on the road again to being mindful, after a trip that in my dieting in days, would have sent me straight to the low-fat yogurts as soon as I'd got home! This time, I saw the trip as an opportunity to practice the wonderful new skills I've been acquiring. An opportunity, not a torment. How things have changed.
I couldnt be more jealous about the cheese.I am in a saucy affair with cheese right now too.yay cheese.
yay for peace and holidays and belt notches tooxxx
Posted by: lisa jane | December 12, 2006 at 09:24 PM