One of the threads in Beyond Chocolate is very much that food doesn't have a personality - it is only food. And to realise this is key to quitting the behaviours that arise from being in 'deprivation mode' and improving your relationship with food.
I'm up to week 4 on the multi-media course, and some of the material I've received says "Food is ONLY food. When we realise that we can eat whatever food we like, nothing is forbidden, we will no longer feel the need and desire to have them all the time. If we truly give ourselves permission to eat our ‘forbidden foods’ whenever we are hungry for them, they lose their power and become ordinary."
This has just happened for me. I was thinking about what to have for lunch, and realised I had half a tub of taramasalata left (yes, another of the much mentioned foods on Chocolate and Beyond). I've been consuming it by the truckload (well, it feels like that!) since I gave myself 'permission' to eat it again, and I've been kind of wondering when I wouldn't stop desiring it so much.
Well, that moment has arrived. I just didn't quite fancy it for lunch today, and now I know I can buy it whenever I want, and I won't pig out on it, because it really has lost its 'personality'. It used to be a product I NEVER bought at one time (though I'd have it in a Greek restaurant) because I was scared I'd eat until until I fell over.
All these new freedoms that I'm gaining in my life now. How wonderful.
Hi Andrea, I love your blog, it's great to see 'normal eating' in action. How are you finding the multimedia course. I'm probably going to go on it and have just finished the book (which I thought was excellent). Does it include a lot more than the book, or is the thing that helps having personal feedback and someone commenting on your exercises?
Posted by: Alison | November 25, 2006 at 12:19 PM
Hi Alison - thanks for your comments and glad you're enjoying my blog! With the MM course, I'd say that the personal feedback & support element is (for me) the best thing about it. Being able to just say "help!" is great, and Sophie Boss responds very quickly. It does work with the book, but with some additional exercises as well as some really lovely touches like the gift box of presents to unwrap a week at a time!
Feel free to email me personally if you have any other questions. Andrea :-)
Posted by: Andrea Wren | November 27, 2006 at 01:17 PM
Thanks Andrea, the feedback part sounds great! I'm going to go for it. It's only the cost of a gym membership so well worthwhile.
I also wanted to say that I'm really glad you're spreading the message that there are alternatives to diets. I wish there was more knowledge about it in the media.
Posted by: Alison | November 27, 2006 at 01:35 PM