I've been on the path to 'non-dieting' for almost 3 months now so thought it was time for an update, acknowledging both how things have changed positively for me, and some of the challenges.
I've had a lot of fun. I mean, when does that happen on a diet? This has been an experiment, learning new things about myself, allowing myself to eat things I used to regard as forbidden. My fridge has never seen such an abundance of full-fat diary produce, taramasalata, egg custards and other scrummy foods. Here are some of my discoveries so far since beginning my journey:
1. I can try everything I want from a groaning buffet, without groaning.
2. I can include fat in my diet and not end up with a girth that competes with Barry White's.
3. I enjoy feeling hungry before every meal, knowing I can eat whatever I feel like at that moment.
4. Some of the things I used to think I liked - I don't! Such as certain types of chocolate. And diet yogurt.
5. I love posh chocolate (like the stuff from Chocolate Trading Co)
6. I haven't yet got the 'moment' I am satisfied and no longer hungry sussed, so still overeat sometimes.
7. I no longer have rules about what I eat at what time - breakfast cereal is long gone from the cupboard.
8. I love the fact that I threw out my scales - but I do occasionally panic that I can't trust myself to stay in my jeans without them!
9. I've discovered there are many others are on a similar journey as me - how fabulous!
10. I have had more variety in my diet than ever before.