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September 25, 2006


Karen Higginbottom

Hi Andrea,

I think it's incredibly scary and frightening to see how far women will go in the pursuit of being thin. Ironically, our whole image of what constitutes beauty is completely subjective and changes over time. Marilyn Monroe was a sexy size 16 which would be considered 'overweight' in our celebrity-obsessed culture.



Andrea Wren

Yes Karen I agree, and think about the Pre-Raphaelite 'ideal figure' as well - all womanly hips and rounded bellies!

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  • I'm Andrea, and am obsessed with creating fabulous food. After I managed to ditch dieting, the reason Chocolate and Beyond was born, it seemed natural to evolve my site into a foodie blog. More so since I also ditched animal produce to be vegan. Now, I love showing how inventive cruelty-free cooking can be. And sometimes I like to rant, too. I wouldn't be myself otherwise :) x

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