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September 07, 2006


Lady Amalthea

A very buddhist way of looking at the world. I like it!

Linda Moran

Andrea, this is such a creative blog you have! Thank you for mentioning my book and my weblog.

The more words we all put out in cyberspace about alternatives to dieting, the better off folks will be. Keep up the good work!

Warm regards, Linda Moran

Andrea Wren

Thanks for your comments Linda, yes, let's keep it up and hope others join us!

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  • I'm Andrea, and am obsessed with creating fabulous food. After I managed to ditch dieting, the reason Chocolate and Beyond was born, it seemed natural to evolve my site into a foodie blog. More so since I also ditched animal produce to be vegan. Now, I love showing how inventive cruelty-free cooking can be. And sometimes I like to rant, too. I wouldn't be myself otherwise :) x

    PS. This blog LOVES your comments! Especially about the food!

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